Assuntos Diversos de A a Z
Documentos Oficiais e Símbolos
Programas, Planos, Sistemas, Projectos e Redes
Relações Internacionais
EuropeAid - How can one work with EuropeAid?
INSPIRE Iniciativa
Lista Alfabética de Programas Comunitários compilados no CDEUMINHO
Lista Temática de Programas Comunitários compilados no CDEUMINHO
QREN - Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional
SMEs - ALLADIN - Mobile Destination - Management for SMEs
SMEs Research - AGRONET's - Development of Protective Structures covered with Permeables Materials for Agricultural Use
A "European Progress Microfinance Facility"
A European health and environment information system for risk assessment and disease mapping (EUROHEIS)
AGRONETS - Development of Protective Structures Covered with Permeable Materials for Agricultural
AirTN - FP7 - ERA NET (Project)
ALIS - Aliança para a Sociedade de Informação - Programa de Cooperação
ALPHA - Instruments for assessing levels of phisical activity and related health determinants
Ambiente - EMSEMBLES - Presicting the impact of climate change
Ambiente e Clima (projetos)
ARK - Analytical Resource Kit
ASPERA - 2 ERA-NET Coordination Action (Projeto)
Combate à violência
EaSI - Employment and Social Innovation
ECIP - European Convergence and Implementation Plan
EDCTP - European and developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnerships
EDULINK Programa
EFFRA - European Factories of the future Research Association
EGNOS Programme
e-GOVERNMENT Working Group of the European Public Administration Network
ENR2 - ERA-NET Coordination Action (Projeto)
EN-RBD - Establishment of a European network of rare bleeding disorders (EN-RBD)
Envolve-te: " A União Europeia Cultura e Cidadania"
EPoSS - European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration
ERA-AGE2 - ERA-NET Coordination Action (projeto)
ERASysBio + ERA-NET Plus Action
ERDF co-financed innovative Projects
ESPON 2013 Programme
ETB-PRO - European Programme for Transnational R&D&I Cooperations of Biotech SMEs
EUPHA - European Public Healt Association
EUR - INTAFAR - LSHM-CT-2004-512138
EuroNanoMed - European Network of Transnational Collaborative RTD Projects in the Field of Nanomedicine
EuropeAid - Global Challenges and European priorities
EuropeAid - How can one work with EuropeAid
EuropeAid - How is aid distributed?
EuropeAid - providing more, better and faster aid
EUROPEAid - who's who: the key players in development
EuropeAid at the heart of the matter
EuropeAidecooperation - The EU and Development aid: a Longstanding Resolution
European Construction Technologie Platform
European Efficient Action Plan
European health and life expectancy information Systeem (EHLEIS)
Europe's seven-year priority plan on infectious diseases
Fundos Estruturais
GIEC - Groupe d'experts intergouvermental sur l'evolution du climat
GRACE - genomics to combat resistance against antibiotics in Community acquired lower respiratory tract infections in Europe
Grants, Funds and Programmes by EU Policy
HERA JRP - Humanities in the European Research Area - Joint Research Programme
Horizonte 2020
I2010: Independent Living for the Ageing Society
ICT - ARTEMIS - A Iniciativa de sistemas informáticos incorporados
ICT - AGRI - Coordination of European Research within ICT and Robotics in Agriculture and related Environmental Issues
ICT - ENIAC - A iniciativa nanoelectrica
ICT - Iniciativa Clean Sky ( Iniciativa Tecnológica Conjunta para a Aeronáutica e Transporte Aéreo
ICT - Results - Healthy Aims
ICT - Results - OLLA (Illuminating the way to better Greener Lighting
ICT - Results -CLINICIP - Intelligent blood sugar Monitoring to save lives
ICT Results - NanoCMOS
ICT -Results -COsy towards a new generation of cognitive Robots
ICT, your ticket to the future Boarding pass (ICT Results)
IEE - Intelligent Energy-Europe
IMI - Sistema de Informação do Mercado Interno
INTERREG IVC - Programme and Regions for Economic Change
Investigação e Tecnologia
ITC - FCH - Iniciativa para as células de combustível e hidrogénio
ITC - IMI - A iniciativa sobre medicamentos inovadores
LEAD ERA - Lead Market European Research Area Network
LIFE - Special Report on the sustainability and the Commission?s management of the LIFE-Nature projects
Lista alfabética de programas a nível Nacional
Mobilidade Urbana Sustentável
NEST - New and Emerging Science and Technology Nest - What''Next?
PARADISE (Qualidade de Vida)
PEACE Initiative Projects
Plano de Acção Nacional sobre Energias Renováveis - National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs)
Plano de Acção para a mobilidade urbana
Plano de Acção para as Florestas da UE (2007-2011)
Plano de Acção para o desenvolvimento Inteligente de Sistemas na Europa
Plano de acção plurianual 2009-2013 sobre justiça electrónica europeia
Plano de Acção sobre Eficiência Energética
Plano de Desenvolvimento Rural 2007-2013 para a Região Autónoma dos Açores
Plano de Desenvolvimento Rural para Portugal continental
Plano de relançamento da Economia Europeia
Plano de Trabalho para a Cultura 2008-2010
Plano Estratégico Europeu para as Tecnologias Energéticas
Plano europeu global de combate à contrafacção e à pirataria
PRO CHILDREN - Boosting fruit and vegetable consumption to keep children healthy
Prog. Operacional de Cooperação Transnacional Espaço Atlântico 2007-2013
Progamas para Portugal
Programa de distribuição de alimentos para pessoas carenciadas
Programa Europa Criativa da UE
Programa europeu de distribuição de leite nas escolas
Programa Operacional da Madeira
Programas da UE actualizados
Programas de cooperação com a Russia
Programas de Parceria Euro-Mediterrânea
Programas Operacionais de âmbito nacional
Programas, Planos, Sistemas, Projectos e redes Comunitárias
PROJECT - ACTIVE HEALTH - Environment for Health promotion and Disease Prevention
Project - ASK-IT - Ambient Intelligence System of Agents for Knowledge-Based and integrated Services for Mobilty Impaired Users
PROJECT - Doc@HOME Home Based Management of Chronic Disease Sufferers
PROJECT - elnclusion@EU - Strengthening elnclusion & eAccessibility Across Europe
PROJECT - Health service 24- Continuous Mobile Services for Healthcare
PROJECT - Healthy Market - A virtual Marketplace for the implementation of the healthy Nutritional Plans
PROJECT - MIMOSA - Microsystems Platform for Mobile Services and Applications
PROJECT - MobilAlarm validating European Mobile Services and Applications
Project -MAPPED - Mobilisitation and Acessibility planning for people with disabilities
PROJECT MOVEMENT - Modular Versatile Mobility Enhancement Technology
Project OFSETH - Optical Fibre Sensors embedded Into Technical Textile for Healthcare Services
Project report: Energy efficiency in industry:
Projecto LEADER
Protecção Civil
REACHE - Sistema de Registo, Avaliação, Autorização e restrição de substâncias químicas
Rede Europeia de Protecção de Personalidades Oficiais
Rede Europeia de Rádios EURANET
Rede transeuropeia de transportes (RTE-T)
Regional Development Programmes 2007-2013
REITOX NETWORK PARTNERS - European Moniroting Centre for Drugs
Risk-Sharing Finance Facility
RTE-E- Rede Transeuropeia de Energia
SATURNO - (Luta contra infecções de bactérias)
SmartGrids - European Technology Platformfor thye Electricity Neetworks of the future
SME - Research - Ion speeds up drug development - A sequencial High - Throughput Ion Channel Screening System for Drug Discovery in Neurological and
SME - Research - WaveShift: The Develpment of a Novel Integrated Super High Frequency (SHF) : Non-Contact Detector Unit for Mibility - Detection and S
SMEs Research - BIOMON - Towards Long-Life Bio-Lubricants Using Advanced Design and Monotoring Tools
SMEs Research - Bulk Substrates: Mushroom Magic for Mycelium manufacturers
SMEs Research - CADPIPE CAD production Pipeline - Speeds up design pipeline
SMEs Research - Fistula Catheter - New Techonology for Haemodialysis
SMEs Research - From Biogas to BIO-HYDROGEN - Development of a Biogas Reformer for Production of Hydrogen for PEM fuel Cells
SMEs Research - Ion Speeds drug development
SMEs Research - ISSEA Integration of the Security: Sub-Modules Elements in thje Automative Industry
SMEs Research - PARADOX - French PARADOX - Red Wine Exctract food additives pumps up profits for SMEs
SMEs Research - PIPESCAN - Pipe inspections just got easier
SMEs Research - STANLUB - One process, two green products
SMEs Research - TURPRO - Biological Optimisation and development of Processing Methods for Tubot Farming
SMEs Research - WashControl - Development of an Online Sensor-Based Wash Control System and Water Recycling for Use in textile Dyeing Houses and Laun
SMEs Research - Weather - Protecting life by monitoring the forces of nature
SMEs Research - NAGINELS - Non agressive internal, Engraving laserTechnology -
SUDOE - INTERREG IV B - Programa de Cooperación territorial
The Eden Project - European Destinations of excellence
The EU and development aid: a longstanding resolutin
The EU FOREST Action Plan 2007-2011
URBACT II - Urban Networks for greater cohesion and competitiveness
WaveShift - Raising the alarm on burglaries -
Programas, Planos, Sistemas, Projectos e Redes Comunitárias
EuropeAid - How can one work with EuropeAid?
INSPIRE Iniciativa
Lista Alfabética de Programas Comunitários compilados no CDEUMINHO
Lista Temática de Programas Comunitários compilados no CDEUMINHO
QREN - Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional
SMEs - ALLADIN - Mobile Destination - Management for SMEs
SMEs Research - AGRONET's - Development of Protective Structures covered with Permeables Materials for Agricultural Use
A "European Progress Microfinance Facility"
A European health and environment information system for risk assessment and disease mapping (EUROHEIS)
AGRONETS - Development of Protective Structures Covered with Permeable Materials for Agricultural
AirTN - FP7 - ERA NET (Project)
ALIS - Aliança para a Sociedade de Informação - Programa de Cooperação
ALPHA - Instruments for assessing levels of phisical activity and related health determinants
Ambiente - EMSEMBLES - Presicting the impact of climate change
Ambiente e Clima (projetos)
ARK - Analytical Resource Kit
ASPERA - 2 ERA-NET Coordination Action (Projeto)
Combate à violência
EaSI - Employment and Social Innovation
ECIP - European Convergence and Implementation Plan
EDCTP - European and developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnerships
EDULINK Programa
EFFRA - European Factories of the future Research Association
EGNOS Programme
e-GOVERNMENT Working Group of the European Public Administration Network
ENR2 - ERA-NET Coordination Action (Projeto)
EN-RBD - Establishment of a European network of rare bleeding disorders (EN-RBD)
Envolve-te: " A União Europeia Cultura e Cidadania"
EPoSS - European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration
ERA-AGE2 - ERA-NET Coordination Action (projeto)
ERASysBio + ERA-NET Plus Action
ERDF co-financed innovative Projects
ESPON 2013 Programme
ETB-PRO - European Programme for Transnational R&D&I Cooperations of Biotech SMEs
EUPHA - European Public Healt Association
EUR - INTAFAR - LSHM-CT-2004-512138
EuroNanoMed - European Network of Transnational Collaborative RTD Projects in the Field of Nanomedicine
EuropeAid - Global Challenges and European priorities
EuropeAid - How can one work with EuropeAid
EuropeAid - How is aid distributed?
EuropeAid - providing more, better and faster aid
EUROPEAid - who's who: the key players in development
EuropeAid at the heart of the matter
EuropeAidecooperation - The EU and Development aid: a Longstanding Resolution
European Construction Technologie Platform
European Efficient Action Plan
European health and life expectancy information Systeem (EHLEIS)
Europe's seven-year priority plan on infectious diseases
Fundos Estruturais
GIEC - Groupe d'experts intergouvermental sur l'evolution du climat
GRACE - genomics to combat resistance against antibiotics in Community acquired lower respiratory tract infections in Europe
Grants, Funds and Programmes by EU Policy
HERA JRP - Humanities in the European Research Area - Joint Research Programme
Horizonte 2020
I2010: Independent Living for the Ageing Society
ICT - ARTEMIS - A Iniciativa de sistemas informáticos incorporados
ICT - AGRI - Coordination of European Research within ICT and Robotics in Agriculture and related Environmental Issues
ICT - ENIAC - A iniciativa nanoelectrica
ICT - Iniciativa Clean Sky ( Iniciativa Tecnológica Conjunta para a Aeronáutica e Transporte Aéreo
ICT - Results - Healthy Aims
ICT - Results - OLLA (Illuminating the way to better Greener Lighting
ICT - Results -CLINICIP - Intelligent blood sugar Monitoring to save lives
ICT Results - NanoCMOS
ICT -Results -COsy towards a new generation of cognitive Robots
ICT, your ticket to the future Boarding pass (ICT Results)
IEE - Intelligent Energy-Europe
IMI - Sistema de Informação do Mercado Interno
INTERREG IVC - Programme and Regions for Economic Change
Investigação e Tecnologia
ITC - FCH - Iniciativa para as células de combustível e hidrogénio
ITC - IMI - A iniciativa sobre medicamentos inovadores
LEAD ERA - Lead Market European Research Area Network
LIFE - Special Report on the sustainability and the Commission?s management of the LIFE-Nature projects
Lista alfabética de programas a nível Nacional
Mobilidade Urbana Sustentável
NEST - New and Emerging Science and Technology Nest - What''Next?
PARADISE (Qualidade de Vida)
PEACE Initiative Projects
Plano de Acção Nacional sobre Energias Renováveis - National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs)
Plano de Acção para a mobilidade urbana
Plano de Acção para as Florestas da UE (2007-2011)
Plano de Acção para o desenvolvimento Inteligente de Sistemas na Europa
Plano de acção plurianual 2009-2013 sobre justiça electrónica europeia
Plano de Acção sobre Eficiência Energética
Plano de Desenvolvimento Rural 2007-2013 para a Região Autónoma dos Açores
Plano de Desenvolvimento Rural para Portugal continental
Plano de relançamento da Economia Europeia
Plano de Trabalho para a Cultura 2008-2010
Plano Estratégico Europeu para as Tecnologias Energéticas
Plano europeu global de combate à contrafacção e à pirataria
PRO CHILDREN - Boosting fruit and vegetable consumption to keep children healthy
Prog. Operacional de Cooperação Transnacional Espaço Atlântico 2007-2013
Progamas para Portugal
Programa de distribuição de alimentos para pessoas carenciadas
Programa Europa Criativa da UE
Programa europeu de distribuição de leite nas escolas
Programa Operacional da Madeira
Programas da UE actualizados
Programas de cooperação com a Russia
Programas de Parceria Euro-Mediterrânea
Programas Operacionais de âmbito nacional
Programas, Planos, Sistemas, Projectos e redes Comunitárias
PROJECT - ACTIVE HEALTH - Environment for Health promotion and Disease Prevention
Project - ASK-IT - Ambient Intelligence System of Agents for Knowledge-Based and integrated Services for Mobilty Impaired Users
PROJECT - Doc@HOME Home Based Management of Chronic Disease Sufferers
PROJECT - elnclusion@EU - Strengthening elnclusion & eAccessibility Across Europe
PROJECT - Health service 24- Continuous Mobile Services for Healthcare
PROJECT - Healthy Market - A virtual Marketplace for the implementation of the healthy Nutritional Plans
PROJECT - MIMOSA - Microsystems Platform for Mobile Services and Applications
PROJECT - MobilAlarm validating European Mobile Services and Applications
Project -MAPPED - Mobilisitation and Acessibility planning for people with disabilities
PROJECT MOVEMENT - Modular Versatile Mobility Enhancement Technology
Project OFSETH - Optical Fibre Sensors embedded Into Technical Textile for Healthcare Services
Project report: Energy efficiency in industry:
Projecto LEADER
Protecção Civil
REACHE - Sistema de Registo, Avaliação, Autorização e restrição de substâncias químicas
Rede Europeia de Protecção de Personalidades Oficiais
Rede Europeia de Rádios EURANET
Rede transeuropeia de transportes (RTE-T)
Regional Development Programmes 2007-2013
REITOX NETWORK PARTNERS - European Moniroting Centre for Drugs
Risk-Sharing Finance Facility
RTE-E- Rede Transeuropeia de Energia
SATURNO - (Luta contra infecções de bactérias)
SmartGrids - European Technology Platformfor thye Electricity Neetworks of the future
SME - Research - Ion speeds up drug development - A sequencial High - Throughput Ion Channel Screening System for Drug Discovery in Neurological and
SME - Research - WaveShift: The Develpment of a Novel Integrated Super High Frequency (SHF) : Non-Contact Detector Unit for Mibility - Detection and S
SMEs Research - BIOMON - Towards Long-Life Bio-Lubricants Using Advanced Design and Monotoring Tools
SMEs Research - Bulk Substrates: Mushroom Magic for Mycelium manufacturers
SMEs Research - CADPIPE CAD production Pipeline - Speeds up design pipeline
SMEs Research - Fistula Catheter - New Techonology for Haemodialysis
SMEs Research - From Biogas to BIO-HYDROGEN - Development of a Biogas Reformer for Production of Hydrogen for PEM fuel Cells
SMEs Research - Ion Speeds drug development
SMEs Research - ISSEA Integration of the Security: Sub-Modules Elements in thje Automative Industry
SMEs Research - PARADOX - French PARADOX - Red Wine Exctract food additives pumps up profits for SMEs
SMEs Research - PIPESCAN - Pipe inspections just got easier
SMEs Research - STANLUB - One process, two green products
SMEs Research - TURPRO - Biological Optimisation and development of Processing Methods for Tubot Farming
SMEs Research - WashControl - Development of an Online Sensor-Based Wash Control System and Water Recycling for Use in textile Dyeing Houses and Laun
SMEs Research - Weather - Protecting life by monitoring the forces of nature
SMEs Research - NAGINELS - Non agressive internal, Engraving laserTechnology -
SUDOE - INTERREG IV B - Programa de Cooperación territorial
The Eden Project - European Destinations of excellence
The EU and development aid: a longstanding resolutin
The EU FOREST Action Plan 2007-2011
URBACT II - Urban Networks for greater cohesion and competitiveness
WaveShift - Raising the alarm on burglaries -
Universidade do Minho
Termos Legais
actualizado por SDUM